Faculty Profiles

Anne Conn

Professor Emeritus, MAE

Continuum mechanics and its application to biological tissues.

Professor Hoger works in the area of continuum mechanics, with a focus on its application to biological tissues. Current projects involve the development of a theory of growth for soft biological tissue; constitutive theory for residually stressed materials; and the formulation of constitutive equations for biological materials. Her projects involve both basic theoretical work and the formulation of finite element models that are used to apply the theory to complex boundary-initial value problems inherent in biological systems.

Capsule Bio:

Anne Hoger received her Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the University of Illinois in 1984. She was a visiting professor at the Department of Mathematics at Carnegie-Mellon University and the Department of Applied Mechanics at California Institute of Technology before joining the faculty at UCSD in 1987. Her research interests are in the area of continuum mechanics and its application to biological materials. Current projects include the constitutive theory of residually stressed elastic materials, elucidation of the role of residual stress in growth, and the development of a second order constitutive equation suitable for articular cartilage. She is a recipient of the NSF Presidential Young Investigator award, the Jacobs School of Engineering Teaching Award, and the Academic Senate award for Teaching.

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Institute Affiliations:

Institute of Engineering in Medicine