Faculty Profiles
Robert Bitmead
Professor Emeritus, MAE
Design of dynamic feedback control systems for a variety of engineering applications.
Professor Bitmead's research interests are in the theoretical and application-based areas of dynamical system modeling and control. In particular he has a long history of collaborative research with U.S. and Australian industries concentrating on theories and techniques for modeling, signal processing and control. Bitmead's research extends from using experimental data to build computational models, the application of estimation methods to operating systems, through to the design and performance analysis of feedback mechanisms for more effective operation. Bitmead is developing models to be used in the control of combustion instabilities. This might eventually be applied to a jet engine or to a gas turbine power plant. The aim is to use feedback control to operate these machines at lower fuel to air ratios, which would make them more efficient and pollute less. His dynamic estimation skills are also finding application in cellular phone networks to gain improved network performance.
Capsule Bio:
Robert Bitmead joined the Jacobs School's Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department in 1999 after more than 16 years at the Department of Systems Engineering at The Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. Eight of those 16 years were spent as the Executive Director of the Cooperative Research Centre for Robust & Adaptive Systems, an incorporated joint venture between the university, government labs and industry. Bitmead is a Fellow of the IEEE.

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