Faculty Profiles

Charles Farrar

Adjunct Professor, SE

Analytical and experimental solid mechanics problems with emphasis on structural dynamics.

Capsule Bio:

Since 2004, Farrar has been an Adjunct Professor in the Structural Engineering Department at the University of California at San Diego. From 1989 to 1996, he served as an adjunct professor at the University of New Mexico’s Department of Mechanical/Civil Engineering.


  • B.S. Civil Engineering, 1979, Michigan Technological University
  • M.S. Civil Engineering (Structural Mechanics), 1982, Univ. of New Mexico
  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering (Structural Mechanics), 1988, Univ. of New Mexico


  • 1982 Norfolk Naval Shipyard Certificate of Achievement for modifications to piping on a guided missile cruiser
  • 2000 Defense Programs Award of Excellence W-76 Dual Revalidation Project
  • 2002 Career Development Mentoring Award from LANL’s Women’s Diversity Working Group
  • 2003 Inaugural Los Alamos Fellows Prize for Outstanding Leadership in Science and Engineering
  • 2003 Inaugural Structural Health Monitoring Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 2007 Elected Fellow in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Selected Publications:

  • C. R. Farrar and K. Worden “An Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 365, February 2007, pp. 303-315. (LA-UR-04-8385)
  • C. R. Farrar and N. Lieven “Damage Prognosis: The Future of Structural Health Monitoring,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 365, February, 2007, pp.623-632. (LA-UR-04-1552)
  • Rutherford, C. A., Park, G., Farrar, C. R., “Nonlinear Feature Identification Based on Self-sensing Impedance Measurement for Structural Health Assessment,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21 (1), 2007, pp. 322-333. (LA-UR-05-0099)
  • C. R. Farrar, D. W. Allen, G. Park, S. Ball and M. Masquelier, “Coupling Sensing Hardware with Data Interrogation Software for Structural Health Monitoring, Shock and Vibration, 13, 2006, pp. 519-530.
  • C. R. Farrar, G. Park, D. W. Allen and M. D. Todd, “Sensor Network Paradigms for Structural Health Monitoring,” Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 13(1) , Jan.-Feb. 2006; pp. 210–225. (LA-UR-05-4405)
  • C. R. Farrar, Sohn, H., Park, G., F. M. Hemez, “Developing Impact and Fatigue Damage Prognosis Solutions for Composites,” JOM-Journal of Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 2004, 56(3) pp 40-43. (LA-UR-03-6660)

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