Faculty Profiles

Sheng Zhong

Professor, BENG

Bioinformatics, genomic technologies, and neuroscience

The Zhong lab develops pioneering single-cell omics technologies and brain organoid models, analyzes human brains, and combats Alzheimer's Disease

Capsule Bio:

Sheng Zhong is a professor in the Shu Chien-Gene Lay Department of Bioengineering at UC San Diego. He received training in applied mathematics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, and genome science from Peking University, Harvard University, and Stanford University. His lab hopes to develop technologies to reveal all molecular interactions in every cell and combat brain aging. He is fortunate to work with outstanding students and postdocs. Nine of his trainees are contributing to science in tenure-track faculty positions. Outside of the laboratory, he enjoys playing tennis and visiting museums.

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Sheng Zhong


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