Faculty Profiles
Jian Luo
Professor, NENG
Ceramics & Metals; Surfaces & Interfaces; Advanced Materials for Energy Related Applications
Luo’s research group is investigating solid interfaces and their roles in controlling the fabrication and properties of a broad range of ceramic and metallic materials. One of the current research goals is to develop grain boundary “phase” (complexion) diagrams as a new materials science tool (and conceivably a useful component for the “Materials Genome” initiative). Several current research projects are focused on designing and tailoring materials for energy-related applications, including lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, solid ionic conductors, photocatalysts, and a variety of metallic and ceramic materials as well as coatings for applications in nuclear power generation systems and clean coal technologies. Luo’s research interests also include high-temperature alloys, microstructural evolution, nanostructured multilayers and thin films, nanocrystalline alloys, sensors, advanced materials characterization methods, thermodynamic modeling, optical fibers, and a range of other structural and functional ceramics.
Capsule Bio:
Jian Luo graduated from Tsinghua University with dual Bachelor's degrees, one in Materials Science and Engineering and another in Electronics and Computer Technology. He received a M.S. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 1999, and a Ph.D. degree in Ceramics in 2001, both from M.I.T.. After graduation, Luo worked in the industry with Lucent Technologies and OFS for more than two years, before he joined the Clemson University, where he worked as an Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Materials Science and Engineering from 2003 to 2012. In January 2013, he moved to UCSD as a Professor of NanoEngineering and Materials Science and Engineering. Luo received a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2005 (from the ceramics program) and an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator award in 2007 (from the metallic materials program). He serves as the Chair of the Basic Science Division of the American Ceramic Society (for 2012-2013) and the Chair of the Thin Films and Interfaces committee of TMS (for 2012-2014).
Selected Publications:
“Developing Interfacial Phase Diagrams for Applications in Activated Sintering and Beyond: Current Status and Future Directions” (a cover and lead article), J. Luo, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95: 2358 (2012)
"The Role of a Bilayer Interfacial Phase on Liquid Metal Embrittlement," J. Luo, H. Cheng, K. M. Asl, C.J. Kiely, M.P. Harmer, Science, 333: 1730 (2011)
"Developing Grain Boundary Diagrams as a Materials Science Tool: A Case Study of Nickel-doped Molybdenum," (an Editors’ Suggestion) X. Shi and J. Luo, Physical Review B, 84: 014105 (2011)
"Decreasing the Grain Boundary Diffusivity in Binary Alloys with Increasing Temperature," X. Shi and J. Luo, Physical Review Letters, 105: 236102 (2010)
"Long Range Interactions in Nanoscale Science" (an invited review article), R. H. French, V. A. Parsegian, R. Rodgornik, R. F. Rajiter, A. Jagota, J. Luo, et al., Reviews of Modern Physics, 82: 1887-944 (2010)
"Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Sol-Gel Oxide 'Glued' Montmorillonite-Zirconia Multilayers," H. Chen, G.P. Zhang, Z. Wei, K. M. Cooke and J. Luo, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 20: 4925-36 (2010)
“Surface Adsorption and Disordering in LiFePO4 Based Battery Cathodes,” A. Kayyar, H. Qian, and J. Luo, Applied Physics Letters, 95: 211905 (2009)
"Wetting and Prewetting on Ceramic Surfaces" (an invited review article), J. Luo and Y.-M. Chiang, Annual Review of Materials Research, 38: 227-49 (2008)
"Liquid-Like Interface Complexion: from Activated Sintering to Grain Boundary Diagrams" (an invited review article), J. Luo, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 12: 81 (2008)
"Stabilization of Nanoscale Quasi-Liquid Interfacial Films in Inorganic Materials: A Review and Critical Assessment" (an invited review article), J. Luo, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 32: 67-109 (2007)