Faculty Profiles

Siavash Mirarab (Mir arabbaygi)

Associate Professor, ECE

Computational biology and bioinformatics, parallel computing, and big data analytics.

Professor Mirarab’s research interests focus on accurate and scalable analysis of large-scale biological datasets. His work particularly focuses on evolutionary biology and computational methods that use genomic data to reconstruct the evolutionary past. He is interested in algorithmic developments that enable us to analyze very large datasets with high accuracy and with reasonable computational demands. These algorithms find application in various areas of computational biology, including multiple sequence alignment, metagenomics, and phylogenetic reconstruction from whole genomes.

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Siavash Mirarab joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at UC San Diego in September 2015. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 2015 and his MS degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 2008. He received his BS degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Tehran University, Iran, in 2000. In between his studies, he has worked for various companies, including IBM and Cisco.  His Ph.D. research has been supported by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute international graduate student fellowship and by Canadian NSERG PGSD awards.

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