Faculty Profiles

Photo of Maziar Ghazinejad
Ghazinejad, Maziar
Associate Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Development and device integration of nanostructured materials, Micro-and nano- electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS), Advanced Manufacturing and Microfabrication, Nanocarbon Materials and Devices, Engineering Education and STEM Pedagogy
Photo of Carl H. Gibson
Gibson, Carl
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Theoretical and experimental studies of turbulence and turbulent mixing in the atmosphere and ocean.
Photo of Vikash Gilja
Gilja, Vikash
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor Gilja’s research focuses on brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) with a specific interest in translating basic research into clinical applications. Using statistical signal processing, machine learning and real-time embedded systems, he develops BMIs that effectively use neural signals to control prosthetic devices for individuals with paralysis and neurodegenerative disease.
Photo of Gary Gillespie
Gillespie, Gary
Lecturer, Computer Science & Engineering
Lecturer in the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at UCSD. I'm teaching my 37th version of CSE 12. Additionally, I run the Tutor Training program for the CSE Department.
Photo of Joe Goddard
Goddard, Joe
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, rheology of complex fluids & granular media, bioenergetics
Nuria Gonzalez-Prelcic
Gonzalez-Prelcic, Nuria
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Signal processing for wireless communications, integrated sensing and communications, localization, non-terrestrial wireless communications, AI/ML for wireless communications, joint communication and radar, and full-duplex systems.
Photo of David Gough
Development and application of implantable biochemical sensors for the continuous monitoring of glucose, oxygen, lactate, and other metabolites.
Photo of Olivia Graeve
Graeve, Olivia
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Solution-based processing of nanopowders; spark plasma sintering of materials; powder particle size distribution control and characterization; behavior of colloidal systems; morphological control of non-oxide ceramic powders; composite manufacturing; special emphasis on materials in extreme environments, including extremes of temperature, pressure and radiation.  
Photo of Fan Chung Graham
Graham, Fan
Faculty-Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Algorithmic design, parallel computing, communications networks, Internet computing, discrete geometry, and active compilers for the Grid.
Photo of Ronald Graham
Graham, Ronald
Faculty-Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer science, Internet routing, and mathematics, including combinatorics, number theory, graph theory, discrete and computational geometry.

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