Faculty Profiles

Photo of William S. Hodgkiss
Hodgkiss, William
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Data telemetry, sensor array signal processing, and environmental parameter estimation.
Photo of James Hollan
Hollan, James
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Professor, Cognitive Science
Cognitive ethnography, distributed and embodied cognition, human-computer interaction, multiscale information visualization, multimodal interaction, and software tools for visualization and interaction.
Photo of William E. Howden
Howden, William
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Software testing and analysis, error modeling and prevention, software design, and embedded systems.
Photo of Tzu-Chien Hsueh
Hsueh, Tzu-Chien
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits for wireline communication systems, data centers, Ethernet, electrical-to-optical interfaces, silicon photonics, data links, transceivers, serializers-deserializers (SerDes), and clock-and-data recovery (CDR).
Photo of T. C. Hu
Hu, Te
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Combinatorial algorithms, mathematical programming, networks and graphs, VLSI circuit layout.
Photo of Xiaohua Huang
Huang, Xiaohua
Professor, Bioengineering
Single molecule DNA and protein sequencing; single-cell genomics and proteomics; molecular medical diagnostics; lab on a chip microfluidics; protein and nano-device engineering; computational modeling, numerical simulations and deep machine learning; DNA data storage and molecular computing.
Photo of Tara Hutchinson
Hutchinson, Tara
Professor, Structural Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Calit2
Earthquake and geotechnical engineering, performance assessment of structural/nonstructural components, and machine learning and computer vision methods for damage estimation.
Photo of John Hwang
Hwang, John
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  Multidisciplinary design optimization, aircraft design, satellite design, aerodynamic shape optimization, structural optimization, trajectory optimization
Photo of Todd Hylton
Hylton, Todd
Exec Director, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Professor of practice, machine learning algorithms, natural intelligence
Photo of Trey Ideker
Ideker, Trey
Professor, Bioengineering
Chief of Medical Genetics
Bioinformatics and systems biology; computational modeling of cellular regulatory networks; yeast genetics

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