Faculty Profiles

Photo of Russell Impagliazzo
Impagliazzo, Russell
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computational complexity, cryptography, circuit complexity, computational randomness.
Photo of Marcos Intaglietta
Intaglietta, Marcos
Professor Emeritus, Bioengineering
Institute of Engineering in Medicine
Development of effective blood substitutes based on a deep understanding of the microcirculation. Applications to transfusion and emergency medicine, cancer, ischemia, and the heart-lung machine.
Zeinab Jahed
Jahed , Zeinab
Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering
Nano-bioelectronics; data analytics; nano/bio interface; miniaturization of bioelectronics sensors to nano-and micron-scales.
Photo of Ramesh Jain
Jain, Ramesh
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
experiential systems, multimedia information systems, image databases, machine vision, and intelligent systems.
Photo of Tara Javidi
Javidi, Tara
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Calit2
Faculty, Calit2
Wireless systems: stochastic and optimal resource allocation, network design and control, multi-access control, and topology design in ad hoc systems.
Photo of Carlos Jensen
Jensen, Carlos
Associate Vice Chancellor-Educational Innovation,
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Usability, software engineering 
Photo of Henrik Wann Jensen
Jensen, Henrik
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer graphics, specializing in the rendering of realistic images of natural phenomena, global illumination and appearance modeling.
Photo of Ranjit Jhala
Jhala, Ranjit
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Techniques for building reliable systems: model checking, automated deduction, program analysis, type systems, programming languages, software engineering, and logic.
Photo of Sungho Jin
Jin, Sungho
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Cutting-edge materials science, including nano-materials, magnetic alloys and thin films, and MEMS materials and devices.
Jesse Jokerst
Jokerst, Jesse
Professor, NanoEngineering
Molecular Imaging, in vitro Diagnostics, ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging, regenerative medicine, cancer detection, tumor resection. 

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