Faculty Profiles

Photo of Sergei Krasheninnikov
Krasheninnikov, Sergei
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Fusion energy and plasma physics.
portrait of UC San Diego bioengineering professor Vira Kravetz
Kravets, Vira
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
Kravets’ research focus is electrical, paracrine, and neural networks of insulin-producing beta-cells in healthy and diabetic conditions.
Photo of Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado
Kreutz-Delgado, Kenneth
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nonlinear dynamics and control;, adaptive sensory-motor control, multibody systems theory, learning theory and pattern recognition, computational vision, and data compression.
Photo of David Kriegman
Kriegman, David
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer vision, computer graphics, face recognition and vision-guided robotics.
Photo of Miroslav Krstic
Krstic, Miroslav
Distinguished Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Nonlinear and adaptive control, distributed parameter systems, delay systems, extremum seeking, stochastic control, and applications to automotive and aerospace systems, energy storage, and biotechnology.
Photo of Ingolf Krueger
Krueger, Ingolf
Associate Adjunct Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Service-oriented software and systems engineering, programming methodology, and the design, implementation, and verification of distributed, reactive systems.
Photo of Petr Krysl
Krysl, Petr
Professor, Structural Engineering
Finite element computational modeling techniques for solids and structures, model order reduction in nonlinear mechanics, and computer and engineering simulations in multiphysics problems.
Photo of Falko Kuester
Kuester, Falko
Professor, Structural Engineering
Scientific visualization and virtual reality, with emphasis on collaborative workspaces, multi-modal interfaces, and distributed and remote visualization of large data sets.
Photo of Arun Kumar
Kumar, Arun
Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Data science, advanced analytics, data management, database systems, machine learning
Photo of Duygu Kuzum
Kuzum, Duygu
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nanoelectronic Devices: Nanoscale engineering of materials and devices for brain-inspired computing, heterogeneous integration of nanoelectronic devices and systems. Neuroelectronics: Neural interfaces for studying dynamics of brain circuits, transparent probes for neuroimaging and optogenetics. Clinical Neurodevices: Active implantable neurodevices, clinical arrays for long-term recording, dissolvable neural electrodes for post operation monitoring. 

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