Faculty Profiles

Photo of Florian Meyer
Meyer, Florian
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Statistical signal processing, high-dimensional and nonlinear estimation, applied ocean sciences, inference on graphs, machine perception, multiobject tracking, network localization and navigation, multiagent systems.
Photo of Marc A. Meyers
Meyers, Marc
Professor, NanoEngineering
Faculty, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Biological and bioinspired materials; nanocrystalline and ultra fine grained metals; mechanical and dynamic behavior of materials with emphasis on laser compression and high speed reactions.
Photo of Daniele Micciancio
Micciancio, Daniele
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Cryptography, complexity, and the relation of the two. Develops, tests, and validates algorithms for securing E-commerce and other computer transactions.
Photo of David Miller
Miller, David
Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Experimental engineering physics, surface physics, gas dynamics and molecular beams.
Photo of Laurence Milstein
Milstein, Laurence
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Digital communications theory and wireless communications, specializing in spread-spectrum systems. Other areas of expertise include signal transmission, bandwidth considerations, and broadband wireless.
Photo of Mia Minnes Kemp
Minnes Kemp, Mia
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Theory of computation, algorithms, problem solving, overlap of math and computer science, writing in math and computer science, transitions to computer science, connections to industry.
Photo of Siavash Mir Arabbaygi
Mirarab (Mir Arabbaygi), Siavash
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computational biology and bioinformatics, parallel computing, and big data analytics.
Photo of Shayan Mookherjea
Mookherjea, Shayan
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Photonics, nonlinear optics, quantum photonics, nanotechnology.
Photo of Tania Morimoto
Morimoto, Tania
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Robotics and controls; medical robotics; soft robotics; haptics; virtual and augmented reality; and teleoperation
Photo of Karcher Morris
Morris, Karcher
Assistant Teaching Prof, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project-based curriculum; hands-on learning; application-oriented coursework.

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