Faculty Profiles

Photo of Joseph Politz
Politz, Joseph
Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer science education, programming languages, compiler design, web programming, and web security.
Photo of George Porter
Porter, George
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Computer networks, data-intensive computing, and computer systems, data center networking.
Photo of Leonard Porter
Porter, Leonard
Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Multithreading, transactional memory, thread-level parallelism, branch-prediction, cache-design, chip-multiprocessors, simultaneous multithreading, process scheduling, architecture-aware scheduling, and cache coherence, CS1, media computation, clickers, active learning, flipped classroom, program evaluation, concept inventories, and peer instruction.
Photo of Lisa Poulikakos
Poulikakos, Lisa
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanophotonics, optical materials, nanomaterials, electromagnetism, biophotonics, biomaterials, diagnostics
Portrait of ECE professor Jorge Poveda
Poveda, Jorge
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Poveda analyzes and designs high-performance and adaptive feedback control algorithms for complex non-smooth and hybrid dynamical systems.
Alyssa Powell
Powell, Alyssa
Assistant Teaching Professor, NanoEngineering
Photo of John Proakis
Proakis, John
Faculty-Affiliate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty-Affiliate, Calit2
Digital communications and digital signal processing, as well as communication systems modeling and simulation.
Photo of Huihui Qi
Qi, Huihui
Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Project based learning, multi-disciplinary course design, the influence of assessment methods on students’ learning outcomes, freshmen engineering education and retention improvement, promoting diversity in engineering, and sustainable engineering education
Photo of Yu Qiao
Qiao, Yu
Professor, Structural Engineering
Thermodynamics, advanced energy-related materials, high-performance infrastructure materials, in-situ resource utilization, smart materials and structures, failure analysis for engineering materials and structures.
Photo of Kevin B. Quest
Quest, Kevin
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Collisionless shock structure, magnetic reconnection, and plasma waves and instabilities

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