Faculty Profiles

Photo of Rene L. Cruz
Cruz, Rene
Center for Wireless Communications
Design and performance analysis of communication networks, with an emphasis on high speed wireless and optical systems, scheduling, routing, network calculus.
Photo of Ertugrul Cubukcu
Cubukcu, Ertugrul
Associate Professor, NanoEngineering
Nanoengineered photonic devices and sensors, plasmonics, optomechanics, optical materials, light-material interactions on the nanoscale, and two dimensional materials.
Photo of Pankaj K. Das
Das, Pankaj
Adjunct Prof, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Acousto-optics, opto-electronics, spread-spectrum communications, oversampling.
Photo of Sanjoy Dasgupta
Dasgupta, Sanjoy
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
High-dimensional statistics, clustering, algorithms for finding underlying patterns in high-dimensional data, machine learning
Photo of Michael Davidson
Davidson, Michael
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Faculty, School of Global Policy and Strategy
Optimization, power systems planning and operation, renewable resources assessment, infrastructure policy    
Photo of Shadi Dayeh
Dayeh, Shadi
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Neurotechnology for the central nervous system. Hetero-integration science and technology for electronics and medical devices.
Photo of Raymond de Callafon
De Callafon, Raymond
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Simulation, prediction and control of dynamic systems, theory of modeling using system identification techniques, and the interaction between modeling and control.
Mauricio de Oliveira
de Oliveira, Mauricio
Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Photo of Nathan Delson
Delson, Nathan
Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Robotics, actuator design and control, mechatronics, medical devices, and project-based learning.
Photo of Alin Deutsch
Deutsch, Alin
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Semistructured and XML data, data security, adaptive distributed query design, and the design and optimization of query languages.

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