Faculty Profiles
Jie Xiang
Nanomaterial synthesis, advanced semiconductor physics, coupled electromechanical systems (NEMS)
Professor Xiang’s research group stays at the forefront of harnessing nanotechnology for computing, energy conversion and biological sensing applications. The group explores semiconductor structures with dimension between atomic and 100 nm-scales as well as key enabling technologies for a more pervasive future information landscape, including high speed computing, energy harvesting and solid state device-bio interface. Prior to joining UCSD, Jie Xiang did pioneering work in Ge/Si core-shell semiconductor nanowire heterostructures for high performance nanoelectronics and studied fundamental electronic structures of one-dimensional systems. His work clearly illustrated the effect of quantum confinement on electronic transport behaviors and their impact on future building blocks for high-speed logic circuit. Earlier he demonstrated synthesis of single-crystal nickel silicide (NiSi) metallic nanowires and NiSi-silicon axial nanowire heterostructures for the first time. This was an important advance scientifically, in demonstrating high-quality, controlled materials and interfaces at the nanoscale, and technologically in providing a route toward reliable and efficient ultra-small contact metallization for nanostructures. More recently he extended his interest to nanoelectromechanical systems beyond nanoelectronics, making use of the novel coupling between mechanical and electrical responses as next-generation sensors, actuators, and high speed mechanical switches.
Capsule Bio:
Jie Xiang joined the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering faculty in early 2009 after a two-year appointment as postdoctoral fellow at California Institute of Technology. He received his B.S. degree in Physics from Peking University in Beijing, China (2002), A.M. degree in Physics (2006) and Ph.D. degree in Chemical Physics from Harvard University (2007). Xiang is a member of the American Physical Society and the Materials Research Society. He is a recipient of the Materials Research Society Graduate Student Gold Award and is the winner of the Kavli Nanoscience Institute Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship.
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