
Below are links to general and university resources relevant to research and engineering ethics organized by


Responsible Conduct of Research


Data Management At UC San Diego

For questions about data ownership, records retention, etc., contact:

Guidelines and Recommendations

  1. Burroughs Wellcome Fund – Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Chapter 8. Data management and Laboratory Notebooks.  A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty. Pp. 143-152.
  2. Go FAIR: FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
  3. The Menlo Report (2012): Ethical Principles Guiding Information and Communication Technology Research
  4. UC San Diego: Access and Management of Research Data
  5. UC San Diego Research Ethics Program: Overview of Data Management


  1. Kanare HM (1985): Writing the Laboratory Notebook, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC.
  2. Macrina FL (2014): Chapter 10. Scientific Recordkeeping. In (Macrina FL, au): Scientific Integrity, 4th ed., ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 329-359.
  3. NIH Office of the Director (2008): Guidelines for Scientific Record Keeping in the Intramural Research Program at the NIH.
  4. NSF Office of Inspector General (2009): Meaningful Laboratory Records. Semiannual Report Congress, March 2009, p. 51.
  5. Ryan P (2010): Keeping a Lab Notebook: Basic Principles and Best Practices. Office of Intramural Training and Education, National Institutes of Health.

Sharing and Ownership

  1. Blum C (2012): Access to and Retention of Research Data: Rights and Responsibilities. Council on Governmental Relations, Washington, DC.
  2. Committee on Responsibilities of Authorship in the Biological Sciences (2003): Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials: Responsibilities of Authorship in the Life Sciences. Board on Life Sciences, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
  3. Mays TD, Macrina FL (2014): Chapter 9. Research Data and Intellectual Property. In (Macrina FL, au): Scientific Integrity, 4th ed., ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 287-357.
  4. NIH (2015): NIH Sharing Policies and Related Guidance on NIH-Funded Research Resources.
  5. Open Data Institute: About the Open Data Institute
  6. NSF: Dissemination and Sharing of Research Results
  7. UC Office of the President Policies and Guidance: Research Record Retention and Disposition.


Mentorship - UC San Diego Resources

Research Mentoring

For disputes or questions related to research mentoring at UC San Diego, contact:

  • Research Ethics Program | 858-822-2647 |
  • Ombuds Office  | 858-534-0777

Starting points for health, financial support, and career development

Counseling and Psychological Services: 

Graduate Division:

Grad Life:

Office of Postdoctoral & Research Scholar Affairs: 

Postdoctoral Association:

Career Center:

Mentorship - General Resources

On Mentoring

  1. Anderson MS, Horn AS, Risbey KR, Ronning EA, De Vries R, Martinson BC (2007): What Do Mentoring and Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research Have To Do with Scientists' Misbehavior? Findings from a National Survey of NIH-Funded Scientists. Academic Medicine 82(9):853-860.
  2. Anderson MS, Louis KS (1994): The graduate student experience and subscription to the norms of science. Res Higher Ed 35:273-299.
  3. Macrina FL (2014): Chapter 3. Mentoring. In: (Macrina FL, au.)  Scientific Integrity. An Introductory Text with Cases. 4th Edition, ASM Press, Washington, D.C.
  4. Resources for Research Ethics Education (2016): Mentoring
  5. Swazey JP, Anderson MS (1996): Mentors, advisors, and role models in graduate and professional education. Association of Academic Health Centers, Washington, DC.
  6. Wright DE, Titus SL, Cornelison JB (2008): Mentoring and Research Misconduct: An Analysis of Research Mentoring in Closed ORI Cases. Science and Engineering Ethics 14(3): 323-336.

For Mentors

  1. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine (1997): Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On Being a Mentor to Students in Science and Engineering. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C, 84 pp.
  2. National Institutes of Health: A Guide to Training and Mentoring in the Intramural Research Program at NIH.
  3. University of Michigan (2011): How to Mentor Graduate Students: A Guide for Faculty. Rackham Graduate School.
  4. Zimmerman E (2010): A Modern Mentor is a Listener, Too. NY Times 4 June 2010

For Mentees

  1. UC San Diego Research Ethics Program overview of Mentoring
  2. University of Michigan (2010): How to Get the Mentoring You Want: A Guide for Graduate Students, Rackham Graduate School.
  3. University of Wisconsin: Resources for Each Phase of the Mentoring Relationship.


Authorship and Contributorship

  1. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (2006): Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals. JAMA 4277:927-34
  2. Macrina FL (2014): Chapter 4: Authorship and Peer Review. In (Macrina FL, au): Scientific Integrity, 4th ed., ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 83-134.
  3. Research Ethics Program, UC San Diego (2016): Authorship
  4. Authorship Task Force (2000): Is it time to update the tradition of authorship in scientific publications? Council of Science Editors (formerly Council of Biology Editors)
  5. Horton R, Smith R (1996): Signing up for authorship. Lancet 347(9004):780.
  6. Rennie D, Flanagin A, Yank V (2000): The contributions of authors. JAMA 284(1): 89-91.
  7. Smith R (1997): Authorship is dying: long live contributorship. British Medical Journal 315(7110): 696.
  8. Yank V, Rennie D (1999): Disclosure of researcher contributions: a study of original research articles in The Lancet. Annals of Internal Medicine 130(8): 661-70.