Faculty Profiles

Photo of Aaron Rosengren
Rosengren, Aaron
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Astrodynamics, Celestial Mechanics, and Dynamical Astronomy; Orbital Debris and Space Situational Awareness; Applied and Computational Mathematics; Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems.  
Photo of Tajana Simunic-Rosing
Rosing, Tajana
Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Adjunct Professor
Embedded system design, resource management at the system level, hardware management and embedded software optimization, power management algorithms.
Rotenberg, Manuel
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Photo of James Rottman
Rottman, James
Adjunct Prof, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
James Rottman's research interests focus on meteorology and oceanography and include theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of internal waves, gravity currents, wake flows, turbulence, and mixing in stratified fluids.
Noah Rubin
Rubin, Noah
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Applied optics and photonics, diffractive optics, and nanophotonics
Photo of M. Lea Rudee
Rudee, M.
Professor Emeritus, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Structure Property Relations in Materials for the Electronics Industry
Photo of Erkki Ruoslahti
Ruoslahti, Erkki
Faculty-Affiliate, Bioengineering
BIomedical Sciences, Cell Biology, Developmental & Stem Cell Biology
Zahra Sadeghizadeh headshot
Sadeghizadeh, Zahra
Assistant Teaching Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering Education and STEM Pedagogy
Photo of Robert Sah
Sah, Robert
Professor, Bioengineering
Cartilage repair and tissue engineering; relationship between biomechanical function, metabolism, composition, and structure of cartilage during growth, aging, degeneration (osteoarthritis), repair, and regeneration.
Photo of Abhishek Saha
Saha, Abhishek
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Combustion, fluid mechanics, propulsion, flame dynamics, droplet dynamics

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