News Archive

News Releases

Computer Scientists Explore Energy Efficiency in Multi-Scale Computing Systems
December 15, 2009

The University of California, San Diego and nine other universities are members of a new research ce...

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Engineers Help Secure California Highways and Roads
December 10, 2009

Engineers at the UC San Diego Englekirk Structural Engineering Center, which has the largest ou...

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Supportive Materials will Help Regenerate Heart Tissue
December 8, 2009

  Bioengineers from University of California, San Diego are developing new regenerative ther...

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San Diegans and their Cell Phones will help Computer Scientists Monitor Air Pollution
December 2, 2009

You want to go for a run, but you don’t want to run in polluted air that might aggravate your ...

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Undergraduate Team Dukes it Out in BattleBots Competition
December 1, 2009

Last fall, 10 self-professed robotics geeks with very different backgrounds rallied together behind ...

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UCSD Researchers Discover That Defects in Carbon Nanotubes Could Lead to Improved Charge and Energy Storage Systems
November 19, 2009

Most people would like to be able to charge their cell phones and other personal electronics quickly...

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Systems Biology Approach Provides Insulin Resistance Insights
November 19, 2009

  Researchers from the University of California, San Diego recently offered the sharpest-yet...

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Swarms of Ocean Robots will Drift in Formation, Monitor Oil Spills, Thanks to Advanced Controls Systems
November 10, 2009

To develop control systems for “swarms” of miniature robotic ocean explorers that could ...

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UCSD Discovery Allows Scientists to Experimentally Annotate Genomes for the First Time
November 9, 2009

Bioengineers at UC San Diego have made a breakthrough development that will now allow scientists to ...

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Engineering Students Help San Diego Region Secure $154 Million in Solar Bonds
November 3, 2009

Engineering students at UC San Diego played a critical role in helping the university and the San Di...

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University of California, San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Ranked 9th in the World
November 3, 2009

 The University of California, San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering is the 9th best in the wo...

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Electrical Engineers Go Head to Head with Genius on Music Playlists
October 27, 2009

  Electrical engineers recently pitted Genius – the music recommendation system in Apple&...

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New in Class: Digital Signage to Make Campus Smarter, Safer, Greener
October 22, 2009

Researchers from the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2)...

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UCSD Researchers Pave the Way for Effective Liver Treatments
October 8, 2009

A combination of bioengineering and medical research at the University of California, San Diego has ...

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Jacobs School Undergrad is Green Intern in Washington D.C.
October 2, 2009

 The nation’s first “green” intern in the U.S. Capitol--Mark Galvan--hails fr...

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