News Archive

News Releases

Millionths of a Second Can Cost Millions of Dollars: A New Way to Track Network Delays
August 20, 2009

Computer scientists have developed an inexpensive solution for diagnosing delays in data center netw...

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UC San Diego Ranked 7th Best Public University by U.S. News & World Report
August 20, 2009

The University of California, San Diego ranked as the seventh best public university in the nation i...

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Computer Scientists Scale Layer 2 Center Networks to 100,000 Ports and Beyond
August 18, 2009

 University of California, San Diego computer scientists have created software that they hope w...

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Computer Science Instruction Featured by Associated Press
August 12, 2009

Cell phones, clickers, the Internet, and in-class blogging systems all serve as tools for learning i...

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Computer Scientists Take Over Electronic Voting Machine with New Programming Technique
August 10, 2009

  Computer scientists demonstrated that criminals could hack an electronic voting machine an...

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UC San Diego Engineer Provides Insights to Decades-Old DNA Squabble
July 30, 2009

A group of nanoengineers, biologists and physicists have used innovative approaches to deduce the in...

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Cheat-Resistant 3D iPhone Game Relies on Score-Checking Replays
July 27, 2009

Aliens are stealing your beloved sheep and you’ve got to stop them. That’s the premise f...

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UC San Diego Installs High-Efficiency Sun-Tracking Solar Panels
July 27, 2009

  The University of California, San Diego has begun producing electricity with newly install...

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UC San Diego Nets $3 Million NSF Grant to Promote Science
July 23, 2009

The University of California, San Diego has received a $3 million grant from the National Science Fo...

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Jacobs School Expertise in Advanced Autonomous Robotics, Cybersecurity Shines at National Security Conference
July 17, 2009

Future military missions will depend on large, networked groups of sensor-equipped vehicles, which c...

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UC San Diego NanoTumor Center and NanoTecNexus Win Telly Award for Educational Video
July 16, 2009

The University of California, San Diego NanoTumor Center and NanoTecNexus (NTN) (formerly NanoBioNex...

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UCSD Scientists Shed 'Light' on Semiconductor Quandary
July 14, 2009

UC San Diego scientists are using laser plasma-produced light sources to explore performance improve...

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New Drugs Faster from Natural Compounds: a UC San Diego Breakthrough
July 13, 2009

  Researchers have invented computational tools to decode and rapidly determine whether natu...

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Robot Learns to Smile and Frown
July 8, 2009

  A hyper-realistic Einstein robot at the University of California, San Diego has learned to...

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UCSD Engineers to Shake Historic Masonry Building During Strong Simulated Earthquakes
July 8, 2009

  UC San Diego  researchers will be shaking a  three-story, 1920s era masonry...

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