News Archive

News Releases

Thanks to 'flexoskeletons,' these insect-inspired robots are faster and cheaper to make
April 8, 2020

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a new method that doesn’t r...

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Company founded by engineering alumni advances 1-hour COVID test
April 7, 2020

Medical diagnostic company Fluxergy, founded by UC San Diego engineering alumni, submitted an Emerge...

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WiFi-Boosting 'Smart Surface' Could Help Remote Workers and Students
April 2, 2020

UC San Diego engineers developed a "smart surface" that can be stuck on the wall to improv...

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Discovery of new biomarker in blood could lead to early test for Alzheimer's disease
March 31, 2020

UC San Diego researchers discovered that high blood levels of RNA produced by the PHGDH gene co...

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UC San Diego Engineers and Doctors Team Up to Retrofit and Build Ventilators
March 26, 2020

Even as university campuses close across the nation in an effort to slow the spread of the novel cor...

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UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering jumped to #9 in U.S. News and World Report Rankings of Best Engineering Schools
March 20, 2020

The University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering jumped to the #9 spot in the inf...

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How Robots Can Help Combat COVID-19: Science Robotics Editorial
March 20, 2020

Can robots be effective tools in combating the COVID-19 pandemic? A group of leaders in the field of...

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Making cell modeling more realistic
March 17, 2020

UC San Diego researchers have developed a computational tool that makes modeling and simulation...

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Undergraduate students bring Intranet to rural Ghanaian school
March 16, 2020

A team of undergraduates, who are part of the Global Ties program at the UC San Diego Jacobs School ...

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Pathways toward realizing the promise of all-solid-state batteries
March 13, 2020

UC San Diego nanoengineers offer a research roadmap describing four challenges that need to be addre...

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'Spillway' for electrons could keep lithium metal batteries from catching fire
March 12, 2020

UC San Diego nanoengineers developed a safety feature that prevents lithium metal batteries from rap...

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New record set for cryptographic challenge
March 11, 2020

An international team of computer scientists has set a new record for integer factorization, one of ...

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Computer scientists receive $1 million DARPA grant to address information onslaught
March 10, 2020

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded a $1 million grant to Computer Sci...

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UC San Diego synthetic biologists redesign the way bacteria 'talk' to each other
March 4, 2020

Bioengineers at the University of California San Diego have redesigned how harmless E. coli bacteria...

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Scientists Design Way to Use Harmless Bacteria to Detect Heavy Metals in Drinking Water
February 27, 2020

A team from UC San Diego and the San Diego startup Quantitative BioSciences has a new approach ...

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