Press Clips Archive

Press Clips

La camiseta que genera electricidad fue creada en San Diego
Los Angeles Times | February 11, 2022

Para obtener electricidad renovable, a partir de los recursos inagotables de la naturaleza, en muchas ciudades se combinan distintas fuentes energéti...

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Dream Machine
Science Magazine | February 10, 2022

Rolling robot avatars allow ill children to attend school remotely in a few hundred classrooms across the United States and a smattering of other coun...

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At San Diego?s Valet Market technology becomes the cashier
KPBS | February 8, 2022

Profiles Accel Robotics, a company cofounded by Jacobs School alumnus Marius Buibas....

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A New Trick Lets Artificial Intelligence See in 3D
Wired | February 7, 2022

THE CURRENT WAVE of artificial intelligence can be traced back to 2012, and an academic contest that measured how well algorithms could recognize obje...

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Bearings key to buildings withstanding earthquakes? UCSD tests new technology
KPBS | February 7, 2022

A new test began last week on an earthquake shake table on the campus of UC San Diego. Researchers were testing building bearings. San Diego researche...

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U.S. Project Reaches Major Milestone toward Practical Fusion Power
Scientific American | February 2, 2022

Nuclear fusion could potentially provide abundant, safe energy without the significant production of greenhouse gas emissions or nuclear waste. But it...

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U.S. Project Reaches Major Milestone toward Practical Fusion Power
Scientific American | February 2, 2022

Nuclear fusion could potentially provide abundant, safe energy without the significant production of greenhouse gas emissions or nuclear waste. But it...

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Maybe Green Energy Needs ?Information Batteries' Too
WIRED | January 31, 2022

A pair of researchers has proposed that companies precompute certain data when the grid is humming with solar or wind power, and then stash it away fo...

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New Mutant Omicron Feared to Be the Most Contagious Variant Yet
The Daily Beast | January 28, 2022

This week, cases started rising again in several countries. And some experts think an elusive form of Omicron, the so-called BA.2 sublineage, might be...

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New Mutant Omicron Feared to Be the Most Contagious Variant Yet
Daily Beast | January 28, 2022

If that?s the case and BA.2 proves even more transmissible than baseline Omicron?the BA.1 sublineage?then we should brace for a difficult spring. BA.2...

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Shake table test at UC San Diego could change buildings codes for earthquake protectio
KPBS | January 24, 2022

An 18-foot steel column shakes in the grip of a vise on UC San Diego?s shake table. The column would stand vertically in a building, and the shake tab...

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UC San Diego?s Jupyterhub Platform Aids Students with Data-Intensive Computing Needs
HPC Wire | January 24, 2022

In classic UC San Diego fashion, an overheard conversation at a campus coffee cart has turned into an interdisciplinary project that?s making computin...

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