Press Clips Archive

Press Clips

Tree of life for modern birds reveals rapid increase in diversity 66 million years ago
Cosmos | April 3, 2024

The largest and most complete study of modern bird genomes to date has resulted in the reconstruction of the bird family tree, challenging traditional...

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From Dinosaurs to Hummingbirds: New Family Tree Revises Our Understanding of Bird Evolution
SciTechDaily | April 3, 2024

The most extensive genomic study to date has unveiled how the birds spread all over the world after mass extinction. Birds represent the sole survivin...

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Scientists built the most extensive and most detailed bird family tree to date
Tech Explorist | April 3, 2024

An international team of scientists has built the largest and most detailed bird family tree to date using advanced computational methods. This tree i...

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Algorithm Helps Evolutionary Biologists See Where Bird Species Are Perched on Phylogenetic Tree
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News | April 2, 2024

Just as bird watchers may use binoculars to add to their species lists, scientists interested in bird evolution may use computational tools to clarify...

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Untold story of bird evolution revealed through genetics | April 2, 2024

The cataclysmic impact of a giant meteor around 65 million years ago brought an end to the reign of the majority of dinosaur species, leaving behind a...

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After 10 years of work, landmark study reveals new 'tree of life' for all birds living today
MSN | April 2, 2024

The largest-ever study of bird genomes has produced a remarkably clear picture of the bird family tree. Published in the journal Nature today, our stu...

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Scientists Create Largest and Most Detailed Bird Family Tree to Date
Sci News | April 1, 2024

The updated family tree reveals patterns in the evolutionary history of birds following the cataclysmic mass extinction event that wiped out the dinos...

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We were very wrong about birds
Popular Science | April 1, 2024

In two studies published April 1 in the journals Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) and Nature, scientists reveal that a genetic e...

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How a 'rogue' chunk of DNA scrambled the bird family tree
Science | April 1, 2024

Doves and flamingos no longer need to invite each other to family reunions now that the bird family tree has sprouted new branches. In recent years, m...

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Cowpea virus immunotherapy prevents cancer metastases
Advanced Science News | March 29, 2024

Nicole Steinmetz, professor of nanoengineering at the University of California San Diego, has been working on immunotherapies based on plant virus pla...

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Structurally Healable, Highly Conductive New Cathode for Solid-State Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Tech Briefs | March 28, 2024

A team led by engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed a new cathode material for solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries that i...

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Scientists develop new material that could allow rechargeable batteries to 'self-heal'
The Cool Down | March 28, 2024

A battery cathode in development in labs at the University of California San Diego has Wolverine-like self-healing properties. Better yet, the regener...

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