News Releases
Big data for chemistry: new method helps identify antibiotics in mass spectrometry datasets
November 17, 2016
An international team of computer scientists has for the first time developed a method to find antib...
UC San Diego Graduate Students Bring the Sparkle of GEM to Preuss Students
November 15, 2016
The Galvanizing Engineering in Medicine (GEM) program has launched a series of monthly talks at the ...
Researchers use acoustic waves to move fluids at the nanoscale
November 14, 2016
A team of mechanical engineers at the University of California San Diego has successfully used acous...
What Molecules You Leave on Your Phone Reveal About Your Lifestyle
November 14, 2016
We leave behind trace chemicals, molecules and microbes on every object we touch. By sampling the mo...
Resources for Faculty Provide Help to Succeed and Advance
November 10, 2016
The Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at UC San DiegoPetit’s office is leading ...
Hacking a Revolution in Biology
November 10, 2016
Graduate studies within any single scientific discipline are challenging endeavors on their own. But...
'Exceptional' nanosensor architecture based on exceptional points
November 9, 2016
Engineers from UC San Diego have developed a novel design for a compact, ultra-sensitive nanosensor ...
UC San Diego Hosts Wearable Sensors Summit
November 9, 2016
The Center for Wearable Sensors at the University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineeri...
Semiconductor-free microelectronics are now possible, thanks to metamaterials
November 7, 2016
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have fabricated the first semiconductor-free, op...
UC San Diego CaliBaja Center for Resilient Materials & Systems Research Summit
November 3, 2016
The UC San Diego CaliBaja Center for Resilient Materials & Systems held a research summit on 20 ...
Tackling Changes and Challenges With Robotics
November 3, 2016
An aging, and sometimes ailing, population. An increasing number of self-driving cars and deli...
Engineers develop new magnetic ink to print self-healing devices that heal in record time
November 2, 2016
NanoEngineers at UC San Diego have developed a magnetic ink that can be used to make self-...
New U.S. Robotics Roadmap calls for regulation, research and education
November 1, 2016
A new U.S. Robotics Roadmap released Oct. 31 calls for better policy frameworks to safely integrate ...
New analysis of big data sheds light on cell functions
October 26, 2016
Researchers have developed a new way of obtaining useful information from big data in biology to bet...
Engineers Receive $2.9 Million to Transform Power Distribution on the Grid
October 26, 2016
A team of researchers from the University of California San Diego and the University of Illinois has...