News Archive

News Releases

Physicists receive $12.6M from department of energy to continue exploring next-generation computing
September 28, 2022

 Since 2018, Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C) — l...

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Mutational signature linking bladder cancer and tobacco smoking found with new AI tool
September 26, 2022

UC San Diego researchers have for the first time discovered a pattern of DNA mutations that lin...

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Tiny swimming robots treat deadly pneumonia in mice
September 22, 2022

UC San Diego nanoengineers have developed microscopic robots, called microrobots, that can swim arou...

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Bioengineering, bioinformatics graduate students selected as Siebel Scholars
September 22, 2022

Five UC San Diego bioengineering and bioinformatics graduate students have been honored as 2023 Sieb...

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Soft devices -- powered by 'stressed' algae -- glow in the dark when squished or stretched
September 20, 2022

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed soft devices containing algae t...

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A smartphone's camera and flash could help people measure blood oxygen levels at home
September 19, 2022

Monitoring the amount of oxygen in your blood could one day be done using your smartphone, shows a s...

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UC San Diego Physician, Alumni Partner to Provide Prosthetic Limbs for Ukranian Amputees
September 15, 2022

A young man gets fitted with a prosthetic lower leg and begins to walk without crutches within a few...

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Six undergraduate engineering programs earn top-10 rank
September 14, 2022

Six undergraduate academic programs at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering ranked in the t...

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San Diego Union-Tribune previews opening of Franklin Antonio Hall
September 9, 2022

Just weeks before the grand opening on Sept. 23, the San Diego Union-Tribune published an extensive ...

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$5M from NSF to Empower Transfer Students to Earn Engineering Degrees
September 8, 2022

With a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation, UC San Diego is leading a new eff...

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The physics of walking is simpler than we thought
September 5, 2022

The physics of walking for multi-legged animals and robots is simpler than previously thought. That ...

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Math-computer science student named to Hacking Top 50 list
September 1, 2022

UC San Diego math-computer science student Faris Ashai was recently featured in 2022’s Major L...

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Binational program provides students with impactful research opportunities
August 25, 2022

As part of the ENLACE binational research program, 185 students from Mexico and the United States sp...

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A new neuromorphic chip for AI on the edge, at a small fraction of the energy and size of today's compute platforms
August 17, 2022

An international team of researchers has designed and built a chip that runs computations directly i...

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Researchers receive $3.14M NIH grant for better imaging during pediatric heart procedures
August 16, 2022

Engineers and physicians at the University of California San Diego have received a $3.14 million, fi...

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