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Problem-solving like an expert
August 15, 2022

Learning to become better problem solvers is how several San Diego high school students, as well as ...

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UC San Diego bioengineering faculty to pursue collaborative research in Franklin Antonio Hall
August 12, 2022

When the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering’s new 186,000-square-foot Franklin Antonio ...

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New study shows COVID-19 genomic recombination is uncommon but disproportionately occurs in spike protein region
August 11, 2022

An analysis of millions of SARS-CoV-2 genomes finds that recombination of the virus is uncommon, but...

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UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Dean wins IEEE-HKN highest award
August 10, 2022

Albert P. Pisano, Professor and Dean of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of Califo...

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Perovskite material with superlattice structure might surpass efficiency of a 'perfect' solar cell
August 10, 2022

A perovskite solar cell developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego brings rese...

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Setting the stage for solid-state battery success
August 2, 2022

Battery researchers and other engineers from University of California San Diego, with collaboration ...

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New $10M NSF-Funded Institute Will Get to the CORE of Data Science
July 29, 2022

A new National Science Foundation initiative has created a $10 million dollar institute led by compu...

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UC San Diego Students Win National Entrepreneurship Challenge in Nanotechnology
July 27, 2022

Two student teams at UC San Diego—led by master’s student Amer Yaghi and by senior under...

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Coronavirus Jumped to Humans at Least Twice at Wuhan Market in China
July 26, 2022

In a pair of related studies, published online via First Release in Science, researchers at Universi...

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New algorithm helps identify antibody genes
July 25, 2022

In a study published in the journal Genome Research, investigators in UC San Diego’s Depa...

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UC San Diego engineers receive 2 out of 10 prestigious national young investigators awards
July 22, 2022

UC San Diego faculty members brought home two of the 10 Beckman Young Investigator awards bestowed n...

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A big machine for earthquake safety reopens at UC San Diego
July 20, 2022

The NSF director visited and inaugurated the UC San Diego earthquake simulator, one of the two ...

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Binational research program kicks off with largest cohort yet
July 15, 2022

This summer, 185 high school and college students from the United States and Mexico will be collabor...

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Awash in Potential: Wastewater Provides Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus
July 7, 2022

Writing in the July 7, 2022 online issue of Nature, scientists and physicians at University of Calif...

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UC San Diego Students to Compete in Sustainability Decathlon
July 7, 2022

With the affordable housing crisis reaching a fever pitch in San Diego and the impacts of climate ch...

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